Wednesday, February 4, 2009


K. Well here are my two new topic ideas.

I really did want to stay within the medical field because that's where I plan to go in college. However, I think I would be limiting myself because my interests do lie else where as well. Maybe I had my panic attack too late. I don't know but I know that in order to recover I need to choose something that I am interested in an can work with fairly easily. I have begun to get into two new topics. However, I need to narrow it down. Feed back would be highly appreciated. These are my inquiry statements for my topics.

1. I am curious as to how to improve the school lunch so that it's menu items fit within the limits of a healthy diet for all those who eat it.

- This may sound very limited. However, I have been talking with Mrs. Peckham and I think that I could split my thesis paper up as follows: analysis of the current lunch menu - point out inadequacies and strengths, show caloric amounts for the foods, look at portion sizes, analyze ingredients in the current foods, then find research that shows what types of foods fit within a healthy diet, support for my suggested improvements, prove that the inadequacies in the foods, this includes the ingridents and caloric values are plausable, find research that show what types of foods would be most suitable for a school (possibly foods that have been shown to increase brain activity and alertness), then I would end with my suggestion of a meal plan for the cafeteria.
- I could include also at the end of this thesis a letter to Mrs. Betts describing my finding along with my suggested meal plan.
-I might also have to show how my suggested foods would fit within a budget.

Well I am having trouble formulating my second idea into an Inquiry statement. With this second idea I would like to enter into the conversation about biological alternative sources of energy suggesting the jatropha bean ( whose oil can be used as a biofuel and burns clean) as a possible alternative source of energy. Well as I am trying to type this out I am realizing that what I have so far would turn into more of a report than anything else. However if I went with this thesis it would be an argumentative thesis that would analyze and define the problem with current biofuels. It would look into using other possible biofuels, such as the jatropha bean, as other possible solutions to this problem.
I am not really sure how to work this into a thesis.
However, if you have any type of feedback be it good bad or otherwise please get back to me.

Thanx y'all.


  1. hmmm.... those are definately two different, but equally interesting theses. I like the idea of the lunch one. It sounds like it could really help the school and would be something that eveyone would be interested to hear about. However, I am a big fan of alternative energy sources and, while I could never imagine myself going into a field involving discovering alernative fuels for anything, that thesis idea also sounds extremely interesting. So, to actually help you make a decision i think I'll try to paraphrase something Mr. Engholm said to me the other day when I was having some trouble: Go with whatever idea or whatever thesis will, when you step out of the chapel an alumn, make you most proud. Go with what you think you will be proud of to have left the permanent mark of a thesis on this school. Good luck!

  2. ok. so, my knowledge of all of this is pretty limited, but i would suggest that you be careful, because i think there is supposed to be some sort of standard for school lunches; keep in mind that im basing this off a speech i did in eighth grade, so i could be completely wrong.
    both are really interesting. i think you could work whichever one you pick, so...decisions, decisions...(:
